Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 in total

Episode 28: Rooted Resonance

We are what we are, but we share that through what we say. We shape ourselves through what we say. At times, we need to one reminded that what we say creates what we a...

Episode 27: Moral Wheel

Dean and Jack start with an immediate reaction to the card suggesting that morality and ethics are set and stable. That with our instincts we simply know what is right...

Episode 26: Bold Honest

At the start of the year, we get the reminder to speak our emotions in a way that seeks maturity through communication and honesty, authenticity. When we do share, it ...

Episode 25: Willful Direction

When what we say is influenced by what we see of the world, we are like a boat being influenced by the winds, the emanation of others as they buffet our sails. Some pu...

Episode 24: Resonance

You are a vault that touches heaven and earth, a cathedral that is a sacred and whole space, into which you are deserving of a respect that should fill you root to raf...

Episode 23: Strong Intuition

We begin with a strong reminder to stop, pause, and listen to the intuition that is rising from your molten core, an alarm ringing in your depths. Something needs atte...

Episode 22: Soul Building

Revisiting the concept of the obelisk, we begin by discussing what is engraved upon our psyches. Despite the deep etching, these stories can still be adjusted. Nothing...

Episode 21: Uncomfortable Comfort

Cycles are not circles, they’re spirals, moving inward and upward. The Celestial was eager to come out of the deck, just as we are eager to begin a journey. Sometimes ...

Episode 20: Rebalance

A familiar face appears with root touching crown and we are reminded of the obelisk that sits so grounded and yet reaches toward the heavens. We have the opportunity t...

Episode 19: Purpose

Here we find a bookended reading: Number 43 of 49 from Jack’s system opens and closes the reading, but in different manifestations of the concept. The idea threading t...

Episode 18: Wet Sponge

The sassiest of Jack’s four decks jumps right in with a reminder to be curious and proactive about learning and discovery, given that this is part of the ongoing proce...

Episode 17: Courageous Truth

The reading opens with a reminder that having honest conversations are an important part of maturing personally, intellectually, and socially. Source of Seeds. Plantin...

Episode 16: Resonance

We begin with the shaping of a living plant, the pruning of wood and leaves to help create boundaries, to choose better people and define ourselves in a way that gives...

Episode 15: Creative Flame

This reading started differently with Dean’s deck being very talkative, setting the stage of a ship returning home on the tide, laden with knowledge and ideas where up...

Episode 14: Kitchen Witch

Dean and Jack are started with the image of a boiling pot, simmering over an open flame where metal meets fire. We found ourselves with a kitchen witch considering wha...

Episode 13: Shame

Dean and Jack are met with a ghost from the previous episode, the same card as before, but with a new meaning, a new message. When you are impaled by an event that roc...

Episode 12: Legacy

Dean and Jack finally get a reading that starts with the lower chakras, where root and sacral chakras meet, the dance of earth and metal which forms beautiful works of...

Episode 11: Soulwork

Dean and Jack begin with the impossible connection, the crown touching the crown, the universe touching itself and yet here in it we are. The idea of dynamic balance b...

Episode 10: Collaboration

Dean and Jack have another very high energy reading, the intersection of third eye and crown to set the stage. A profession of wanting to see more, to understand more,...

Episode 9: Mass

Dean and Jack are immediately greeted  by the idea of balance between self and the universe, an intersection of the crown and the root that speaks to cathedrals reachi...

Episode 8: Knowledge

Dean and Jack struggle to find meaning in this reading. We love learning, especially from the wisdom of others. But that wisdom is not always easy to ingest, to unders...

Episode 7: Jealousy

Dean and Jack start with confronting jealousy and describe the process of washing clean of these emotions as a way of redirecting  wasted energy inward toward one’s ow...

Episode 6: Maturity

Dean and Jack look at how important it is to constantly refine oneself. The brain ages, the body ages, our spiritual self must age and grow as well, constantly refinin...

Episode 5: Shared Energy

Dean and Jack explore how the diffusion of energy is a way of sharing spiritual wealth with those who surround us, love us, and interact with us. Share without sacrifi...

Episode 4: Celebration

Connecting with a group or person that you can share your energy and celebrate their achievements.

Episode 3: Collaboration

A process or conversation rich with opportunities for productivity and growth.

Show Me Your Deck Episode 2

Constructive Criticism: Exchanging ideas from a place e of love, especially amongst family and friends.

Episode 1

Presenting truths kindly and letting others have their say without giving up your ability to say what you need.

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